What did you dream about last night?
It is often said that it is perfectly normal that the majority of people don't remember their dreams. Just like it is becoming increasingly normal to pay more attention to emotions, intuition and reality creation, it must also become a norm to activate the dreaming potential. People had a lot more dreaming awareness in the ancient past and, interestingly enough, this is one of those "forgotten" skills that the mainstream culture has never been promoting as it would be harder to condition people to seek knowledge from external authorities figures and, in turn, limit their freedom.
If you don't tend to remember dreams, the first step is to set an intention to remember the dream before you fall asleep. Just affirm you are going to remember your dreams. Keep doing it no matter if you are successful or not. As soon as you remember your first dream, write it down even if it the dream has been one fleeting moment. This is an essential step. By writing them down, you develop relationship with your subconscious and they will be more frequent and with greater intensity.
Here is where most people start dropping off, but it does
require discipline. Like any skill worth developing it has to involve some work
and effort.