The characters, depicted as psychological profiles, are portrayed in a humorous-satirical way with their peculiarities bordering on uncanny. The novel has a specific form consisting of the description of dreams, thoughts and dialogues from which it can be inferred what plays out emotionally inside of them. Elements of phantasy is inherent to my writing. Amsterdam served as an interesting international background for waking up mythic origins as people are removed from their original environment of conditioning.

The way characters meet seems accidental. However, in the framework of the story, it is visible that their encounters are related to what is collectively carried inside, such as the heritage of old Yugoslavia. If one dares to go even further, there is the connection to Old Europe, the time when patriarchy had not yet dominated.

"Beyond The Mirror"

The story "Beyond the Mirror" is about four people from Ex-Yugoslavia countries who meet in Amsterdam. Rather than being a typical "men versus women" romantic account, they interact in a humorous way while coming to realizations about life beyond the traditional ways of living and perceiving.

It is a somewhat light philosophical piece, expressed through humour, dialogues and experiences at interesting and often unusual places, featuring dream work and surrealistic elements as a means to altered states of perception peculiar to the characters. Intermingling of Dutch and Balkan cultural flavours adds to the overall experience of this storytelling. Even though the story is set in this modern time and using these particular backgrounds it bears a universal timeless message.

The novel is directed towards lovers of "hidden messages discovery" adventures. Like in a dream, not a single detail is accidental. Due to its form, it provides a unique reading experience, raising curiosity about what is unfolding next. It is entertaining, spurring to laughter, perhaps in the way one would not expect, while offering a new way of looking at our collective Balkan heritage.

Further information

My book was initially published as a limited edition in Serbian and presented at the national bookfair in Belgrade 2018. It was a gift to people of my origin with the main characters being from the Balkans. Interestingly, certain scenes and dream images eerily reflect the situation of today. Subsequently, I completed the translation to English with the wish to reach a broader public and I am currently in the process with a publisher in the Netherlands. More about this to follow!

I started with the story of the Balkan people meeting in Amsterdam as the legacy imparted by your own country is the very basis for every journey. The next novel I am currently working on is fashioned in a different form and in a completely new setting. I am driven and inspired by the inherent wisdom of life of outside the mainstream society and tend to integrate this in my writing. This is also the place where inner wisdom comes most into its own.

My storytelling style resembles the magical realism and intertwining of different philosophical and archetypal narratives. It is directed towards an audience that enjoys humour and innovative perspectives delivered with a balance between being easy to understand whilst demanding a certain level of imagination.

Links to Serbian publication and interviews for (in Serbian):

Link to my essays on (in English) where I write about impact of inner intelligence on creativity, innovation in business, writing and art:

Marija Jevrosimovic 2022 All rights reserved
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